Fundraising is the number one component to the success of any nonprofit organization. There are a number of ways nonprofits raise funds including event contributions, online donations, planned gifts, and in-kind contributions. In order to do any of these, you need to utilize your network. We at Do Good Events consistently partner with nonprofit organizations and assist them with the event contributions branch of fundraising. Here are six ways to engage your fundraising network to support your nonprofit event.
Sponsorships for nonprofit events are a way for businesses to align with a charitable organization or cause through financial support.
- Provides great exposure for businesses
- Connect with prominent figures in the community
- Provide sponsorship packet options
- Can’t do a sponsorship? Read on!
Live and Silent Auction
- Think food, golf, get-aways, and experiences.
- Who has membership to an exclusive golf course that could donate a round of golf for 3?
- Do you have miles you would be willing to donate for airline or hotel? How about timeshares or cabin access?
- Do you have access to a suites at any of the major sports of entertainment arenas?
- What is the restaurant you visit the most? Do you know the chef well, would they donate a private experience? In-home experience?
- Can’t do a live auction package? Have no fear!
Attend The Event
- Experience great venues & fantastic food
- Wine and dine with the movers and shakers of your community
- Learn more about the foundation and its goals
- Fun Saturday night with spouse or friends and be home at reasonable hour!
- Can’t attend the event? We got you!
Cash Donation
- Going back to the why they should give.
- Every amount makes a difference!
- Can’t make a cash donation? All good in the hood!
In-kind Donation
- Sports, theater or concert tickets
- Golf Packages
- Restaurants
- Where do you spend your money that you could leverage an ask?
- Can’t make an in-kind donation? No prob, Bob.
Spread The Word
- Will you share the Facebook page? Share an IG post?
- Pass along the experience to those who might be interested.

If they say no to all of that, considering getting new friends. Just kidding!
It all comes down to why the foundation’s work is important and any type of support is important.